A non-profit organization founded in 2007 whose mission is to improve our community’s health by spreading and promoting education about good health practices and disease prevention. We have been endorsed and recognized by National Health Organizations and several prominent, outstanding individuals in our community who share in our mission and passion for good health.
As a practicing cardiologist, what strikes me most is the tremendous shortfall in our community’s level of disease prevention awareness. Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of illness and death, resulting in escalating health care costs and financial devastation to families in the face of our struggling economy. The only way we can ensure a productive and prosperous people is by disease prevention.
My dream is to empower people by making advances in health education for individuals and for the greater populace. The Sheila Kar Health Foundation has been established for just this purpose: nurturing good health practices and disease prevention through education.
S.K.H.F. a non-profit organization founded in 2007 whose mission is to improve our community’s health by spreading and promoting education about good health practices and disease prevention.
The Foundation focuses it’s resources on:
I am very grateful and indebted to you, my community and extended family. Without your needs, ideas, support, inspiration and generosity The Sheila Kar Health Foundation would not exist.
Sheila Kar, MD, FACP, FACC
President, SKHF