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The 17th Annual Valentine’s Health Seminar

the Beverly Wilshire Hotel 9500 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills

About 64 million surgical procedures are performed yearly in the US. This has been possible because of modern anesthesia, as opposed to “chug down whisky and grit your teeth” 187 years ago. Millions receive painless treatments and enjoy longer and healthier lives. However, questions are...

The 17th Annual Valentine’s Health Seminar

the Beverly Wilshire Hotel 9500 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills

Sheila Kar Health Foundation Cordially invites you to attend The 17th Annual Valentine’s Health Seminar “Atrial Fibrillation- Everything You need to know and more....” Panelists Andrea Natale, MD Christine Albert, MD David Albert, MD Sheila Kar, MD Atrial fibrillation is the commonest irregular heart rhythm...
