Annual Seminars & Group Meetings

Leading experts come together to address diverse community members on aspects of heart disease, emphasizing prevention and proactive intervention. Past topics included stress and heart, the effect of weight on the heart, rhythms of the heart, how drugs affect the heart, heart disease in women, and heart disease prevention.

Sheila Kar Annual Seminar
Sheila Kar Scolarships

Scholarships and Grants

The Foundation awards the annual Sushila and Chandi Charan Kar Scholarship to high school students planning health careers who have shown excellence and originality in science projects presented at the California State Science Fair. Grants will also be awarded to community college students for books needed to train for a health career.

The Michael Davidson, MD Educational Grants are awarded to community college students for educational materials needed to train for a health career. These students are selected based on merit and performance.

Mentoring Programs

The Foundation mentors high school, college, medical, and nursing students to enable informed career choices and advancement. Our mentoring helps develop tomorrow’s insightful, compassionate healthcare providers and leaders in medicine.

Sheila Kar Mentoring Programs
Sheila Kar Support

Life-Saving Equipment

In November 2009, the Sheila Kar Health Foundation donated the first Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to 823 Walawi Senior Troops in Van Nuys. The previous year, in this community a 16 year old girl died on the basket ball court. She could not be revived by the paramedics.

Statistics how that an external defibrillator used within a minute of sudden cardiac arrest yields survival rates as high as 90%, compared to 5% without it.

Homeless Shelter Program

Davis H.O.P.E. Program – Homeless Outreach Through Prevention and Education

In November 2009, The Davis HOPE program comprised of 10 bright, motivated and compassionate UC Davis college students interested in healthcare approached Dr. Sheila Kar for guidance in helping the local homeless through education. The foundation was very happy to mentor & support them.

Homeless Shelter Program

Save a Heart Today